Living outside New York City, I was always enchanted by photos of Provence, the idyllic countryside, picturesque markets and simple way of life. My husband and I decided to take our five children to spend a month in the French countryside, renting a charming home in the middle of a vineyard. That summer was everything we hoped it would be. Life was slower and more intentional. Days were spent shopping for fresh cheese, bread and produce at the markets, picking grapes and relaxing by the pool. Time together happened naturally and we enjoyed spending time as a family.

Falling in Love with pROVENCE


After that first trip we visited almost every summer for ten years before stumbling upon our own piece of Provence. We rented what would become Le Mas des Poiriers, a 65-acre pear farm on an island in the Rhone River. There were many things that were appealing about it. We were initially attracted to the expanse of flat green land with easy access to water, and we adored the spectacular 200-year-old plane trees planted in three allées. As a big family, we also needed a house with plenty of room for children and future grandchildren to gather under one roof. Large homes with volume are rare in Provence, and the 13,000 square feet of the main building, with its lofty ceilings, satisfied our need for space.

I fell in love with Le Mas des Poiriers, but the house needed a lot of work and it would be a big project for an American living outside of France. In May of 2015 we began the long process of purchasing the property. I decided to take on the massive job of renovating the entire house while respecting the integrity of the original construction, working with many talented craftspeople and french artisans.

Restoring Tradition with Modern Living

A Note From the owner

Our Story

Three years later, we finished the house and have enjoyed settling in and becoming part of the Provençal landscape. Provence felt like home the first time that we visited, but today, it really is home. We are so happy to be able to share Le Mas des Poiries and our love of Provence with you. We hope you consider renting Le Mas des Poiries for your next trip to the French countryside and that you are able to enjoy the pure magic of this beautiful area.

a place to call home


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